Welcome to IAPHE’2018

The CIDTFF (Research Centre Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers), of the Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Portugal, is organizing an International Seminar (IS) entitled “Innovative academic practices in higher education: How to make them more sustainable”, which will take place at Auditório Mestre Hélder Castanheira on the 27th September 2018.




In the context of higher education (HE) modernization, many actors (e.g., educational researchers, teachers) have been working on behalf of innovation in teaching, learning and assessment (TLA), namely in Sciences and Engineering courses, to foster students’ academic achievement (Guerra & Costa, 2017; Gunn & Mintrom, 2016; Fung, 2017). Educational innovation that is here under consideration relates to the introduction of an idea, resource, process, and/or strategy with the aim of improving a certain practice (Stirman et al., 2012). International studies (Barnett, 1997, 2015; Bryan & Clegg, 2006; Getz, Siegfried, & Anderson, 1997; Hoidn & Kärkkäinen, 2014; Santa, 2011) keep on demonstrating that, besides the impact of such educational innovations on students’ learning, they also contribute for teachers’ academic development.

Building closer links between research and teaching has become an important way to enhance the quality of HE across the world (Tong, Standen, & Sotiriou, 2018). In Portugal, researchers and teachers from several higher education institutions (HEI) have been obtaining funds to develop educational innovations, namely in courses in the area of Exact Sciences (e.g., Physics), Natural Sciences (e.g., Biology) and, more expressively, Engineering.  The innovations that have been developed so far refer mostly to the development of TLA strategies and/or technology-based educational resources, such as remote virtual labs (Guerra & Costa, 2017). The sustainability of research (and educational innovations) depend of several factors, such as: the availability of funding grants for research on educational innovation in HE; the support provided by host institutions to develop such innovations; the characteristics and work dynamics of the elements in the research teams (Guerra & Costa, 2016). It is noteworthy that, and according to a study by Guerra and Costa (2017), many of the innovations that are produced in the frame of funded national projects do not always have the expected sustainability due, in particular, to the lack of financial support to keep sustaining and updating such innovations.

Agencies that finance research (European Research Council, 2015) and international authors (Haigh, 2012; Sarriot, Ricca, Yourkavitch, & Ryan, 2008; Savaya, Elsworth, & Rogers, 2009) have stressed the need to define strategies in order to maximize the sustainability of results from funded research after the project ends. One possibility is to invest in strategies to mobilize the scientific knowledge that is produced in the context of funded research (European Research Council, 2015). International authors in the field of educational research (Bennet et al., 2007; Levin, 2011) and, more recently, national authors (Guerra, Tavares, & Araújo e Sá, 2017) make the same recommendation.

Three key-ideas emerge from the aforementioned: the educational innovations that are developed in the context of HE, particularly the ones that are produced with funded research, may (and should) contribute to the transformation and improvement of the academic practices of the elements involved (e.g., teachers and students); the sustainability of educational innovations relies on the continuity of the projects’ financing, on the support provided by the host institution, and on the work dynamics of the elements in the research team; the scientific knowledge that is built in the context of a research project may (and should) be disseminated and mobilized in (different ways in) the community (e.g., academic, scientific, political, society in general), to ground the design of formation and research policies. [more]




The social appreciation of the scientific knowledge that is produced by research may contribute to ground and direct the design of those policies, in particular the ones concerning the development and sustainability of educational innovations in HE. Hence, the organization of an International Seminar (IS), entitled “Innovative academic practices in higher education: How to make them more sustainable?”, aims to contribute to the need to reflect, disseminate and look for ways to improve the sustainability of the results from research focused on educational innovation in HE.

The aims of the IS are:

a) to reflect on the sustainability of educational innovations in Higher Education, in particular of those that are developed during the context of funded national projects in Portuguese Public Higher Education Institutions;

b) to disseminate educational innovations in Higher Education, in particular in the areas of social sciences/education, natural and exact sciences, and engineering;

c) to discuss possibilities to enhance the collaboration between teachers and researchers who are interested in Innovations in Higher Education (e.g., establishment of an international academic network of reflection & action in educational innovations in HEI).



Target Audience

This is targeted at researchers in Education, university teachers, and decision-makers in the fields of education and research & development projects.

The IAPHE’18 is a bilingual seminar, with Portuguese and English speakers and participants.



Organizing Committee

Cecília Guerra
Postdoctoral researcher
CIDTFF – University of Aveiro
Amanda Franco
Postdoctoral researcher
CIDTFF – University of Aveiro
Mónica Seabra
PhD student
CIDTFF – University of Aveiro

Scientific Committee

Maria Helena de Araújo e Sá
Associate Professor with Aggregation
CIDTFF Coordinator
DEP/CIDTFF – University of Aveiro
Nilza Costa
Full Professor
DEP/CIDTFF – University of Aveiro
Rui Marques Vieira
Assistant Professor with Aggregation
DEP/CIDTFF – University of Aveiro


Invited Speakers

“Making innovative pedagogical approaches sustainable: The case of shaping higher education with students”

Keynote Speaker: Vincent C H Tong
Principal Teaching Fellow (2015-present)
University College London
United Kingdom
short bio


“Educational innovations developed in Portuguese higher education institutions through national funded projects: how they were promoted and sustained”

Keynote Speaker: Cecília Guerra
Postdoctoral researcher (2015-present)
University of Aveiro
short bio


Round table
“Towards the sustainability of educational innovations in higher education: how to promote it?”

Moderator: Nilza Costa
Full Professor
University of Aveiro
short bio
  Speaker: Celina Leão
Assistant Professor
University of Minho
short bio
Speaker: Filomena O. Soares
Assistant Professor
University of Minho
short bio
Speaker: Isabel Cristina Gonçalves
Technical Coordinator of Academic Development Unit,
Instituto Superior Técnico                                                University of Lisbon

short bio
Speaker: João Pedro Pêgo
Assistant Professor
University of Porto
short bio
Speaker: José Manuel Martins Ferreira
Full Professor
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
short bio
Speaker: Vítor H. Carvalho
Associate (tenured) Professor
Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA)
short bio


“How do we prepare today’s higher education students for tomorrow’s challenges? Teacher education and the promotion of ’21st century skills’”

Keynote Speaker: Amanda Franco
Postdoctoral researcher (2017-present)
University of Aveiro
short bio


“Pathways to change in teaching and learning at the University of Aveiro: notes from 8 years of experience”

Keynote Speaker: Gillian Grace Owen Moreira
Assistant Professor
University of Aveiro
short bio


Poster presentation “My Project in higher education in 5 minutes!”

Moderator: Mónica Seabra
PhD Student
University of Aveiro
short bio


Round table
“Building the future of higher education: an agenda for
research sustainability”

Moderator: Rui Marques Vieira
Assistant Professor with Aggregation
University of Aveiro
short bio
Speaker: António Teixeira
University of Aveiro
short bio
Speaker: Heitor Alvelos
Professor, Director of the PhD Program in Design
(U.Porto / UA/ UPTEC / ID+)                                             University of Porto
short bio
Speaker: Isabel Menezes
Professor, President of the Portuguese Educational Research Association (SPCE)
University of Porto                                                                   Portugal
short bio
Speaker: Jorge Brandão
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro
short bio



Early bird registration fee (30€ by September 5th

Late registration fee (60€by September 20th

Portuguese  Higher Education Institutions’ students are exempt of the fee, through presentation of proof of enrolment in a University or Polytechnic Institute.



Be careful with the deadlines:

1) Submit the registration form (available soon) by August 15th



2) Pay the registration fee:

(a) Early bird registration fee (30€ by September 5th

(b) Late registration fee (60€by September 20th

Please send an e-mail to dep-iaphe2018@ua.pt attaching the proof of payment (.pdf file)

The non-payment of the registration fee will make it impossible for us to keep your vacancy.

Please be aware that there will be no fee return.


Payment Modalities

  1. Bank transfer
    Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos | Agência da Universidade de Aveiro
    IBAN: PT50 0035 0836 0000 2018 7300 7
  2. Bank check
    Adressed to University of Aveiro and sent to the Secretariat of the CIDTFF (Rosa Paula Varela, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal)
  3. Money order
    Payable to University of Aveiro and sent to the Secretariat of the CIDTFF (Rosa Paula Varela, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal)


The CIDTFF (Research Centre Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers), of the Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Portugal, is organizing an International Seminar (IS) entitled “Innovative academic practices in higher education: How to make them more sustainable”, which will take place at Department of Education and Psychology on the 27th September 2018.


9h00:9h15 Check-in
9h15:9h45 Opening Session

– Head of DEP
– Coordinator of CIDTFF
– Members of the Organizing Committee

9h45:10h45 Lecture “Making innovative pedagogical approaches sustainable: The case of shaping higher education with students”

Invited Keynote: Vincent C H Tong
(Principal Teaching Fellow (Connected Curriculum), University College London, London, United Kingdom)

Overview: The significance of student-staff partnerships and inclusive learning communities in promoting innovative pedagogical approaches and making them sustainable, with applications to academic staff development programmes

10h45:11h15 Coffee break & Poster exibition
11h15:11h30 Lecture “Educational innovations developed in Portuguese higher education institutions through national funded projects: how they were promoted and sustained.”

Keynote: Cecília Guerra
(Postdoctoral researcher, CIDTFF, UA)

Overview: Characterization of the sustainability of educational innovations developed through national funded research projects implemented between 2006 and 2015 in Portuguese higher education institutions.

11h30:12h45 Round tableTowards the sustainability of educational innovations in higher education: how to promote it?

Moderator: Nilza Costa
(Full Professor, DEP, CIDTFF, UA)

Celina Leão  (Assistant Professor, University of Minho, Portugal);
Filomena Soares (Assistant Professor, University of Minho, Portugal);
Isabel Cristina Gonçalves (Technical Coordinator of Academic Development Unit, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal);
João Pedro Pêgo (Assistant Professor, University of Porto, Portugal);
José Manuel Martins Ferreira (Full Professor, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway);

Vitor H. Carvalho (Tenured Associate Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal)

Overview: To describe briefly the funded research projects that were developed and which were discussed at the Round Table, and to reflect on the factors that may (or may not) maximize the sustainability of educational innovations in higher education.

12h45:14h00 Lunch break
14h00:14h30 Lecture How do we prepare today’s higher education students for tomorrow’s challenges? Teacher education and the promotion of ’21st century skills’

Keynote: Amanda Franco
(Postdoctoral researcher, CIDTFF, UA)

Overview: In the context of European guidelines referring explicitly to the importance of “21st century skills”, presentation of the importance of sustained teacher education that is inclusive of critical thinking, to promote – deliberately, explicitly and systematically – students’ critical thinking in higher education.

14h30:15h00 LecturePathways to change in teaching and learning at the University of Aveiro: notes from 8 years of experience

Keynote: Gillian Moreira
(Assistant Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Overview: Retrospective analysis of the actions implemented by the Rectory of Universidade de Aveiro concerning the promotion of teachers’ academic development (e.g., training workshops, Teaching Day, etc.).

15h00:16h00 Poster presentation “My project in higher education in 5 minutes!”

Moderator: Mónica Seabra
(PhD student of DEP, CIDTFF, UA)

Researchers with projects focused on the development of educational innovations in the higher education.

Overview: Presentation of CIDTFF research projects focused on the promotion of educational innovations in higher education context.

16h00:16h30 Coffee break & Poster exibition
16h30:17h30 Round tableBuilding the future of higher education: an agenda for research sustainability

Moderator: Rui Marques Vieira
(Assistant Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal)

António Teixeira (University of Aveiro)
Heitor Alvelos (University of Porto)
– Isabel Menezes (President of the Portuguese Educational Research Association, Portugal).

Jorge Brandão (Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro)

Overview: To reflect on the policies and strategies that are necessary to establish an agenda in higher education aimed at fostering the scientific, societal, and educational sustainability of research and innovation in the higher education context.

17h30:18h00 Closing session

– Head of DEP
– Coordinator of CIDTFF
– Members of the Organizing Committee



The CIDTFF (Research Centre Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers), of the Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Portugal, is organizing an International Seminar (IS) entitled “Innovative academic practices in higher education: How to make them more sustainable”, which will take place at Auditório Mestre Hélder Castanheira on the 27th September 2018.


To reach the University Campus
Aveiro railway station is located at about 20 minutes walking distance or 5 minutes taxi ride from the University Campus. To reach the Campus, you can also use the bus (green line) which departs at regular intervals from outside the railway station.

By road

From the north using the A1 motorway or from the east using the A25. Take the A1 motorway headed to Lisbon. Exit the A1 in the direction of Aveiro and take the A25. There are two exits to the city from the A25, first “Aveiro-Norte” and some kilometers further on, the “Aveiro” exit. This second exit is the best for reaching the University of Aveiro.
From the south using the A1 motorway. Take the A1 motorway in the direction of Porto. Exit the motorway at “Aveiro-Sul/Águeda” (exit 15) and follow the EN235 road directly to the University Campus. From the south, using the A8 and A17 motorways. Exit the motorway at “Aveiro-Sul” and follow the EN235 road directly to the University campus.